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IHI on the New York Times


We have been featured twice on the N.Y Times for our cancer program. and the negative effects that decreasing international funding has on Haitian women's healthcare. Nicholas Kristof eloquently explained the problems and often deadly consequences that can occur with the U.S government’s decision to cut down the U.N Population Fund. This decision will affect the medical resources available to Haitian women. The lives of Haitian women are directly being affected as well.

We have been actively building and expending our cervical cancer program, especially over the past few months and we've seem tremendous results from our initiative. We've been able to screen and immediately treat women for cervical cancer. The most heart breaking part is that without this funding, the lives of many Haitian women are at risk. Our program allows many women to be able to afford or even know about getting screened for cervical cancer.

We appreciate the support in the fight for women’s health especially in Haiti. We will continue to advocate and provide treatment for Haitian women, especially the vulnerable and continue our cervical cancer screenings.



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